Eight Weeks from “What if?” to Warrior!

Kelly offers an 8-week one-on-one customized coaching program in five key areas. 

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This is for those who periodically (or chronically) lack the confidence needed to make consistent, impactful decisions in their lives. It's also for anyone who already knows what they need to do BUT are fearful of taking the next step. Kelly works with you to create techniques you can use that will help you overcome your fear and insecurities. 


Everyone encounters transition at different points in their life. Whether newly married, divorced, starting a new job, laid off from a job, changing careers, or facing an empty nest, it's crucial to understand the most successful way to navigate through the transition without becoming overwhelmed or overworked. 


If you've ever looked at an athletic coach hold their athletes accountable and thought, "I need THAT in my life!" you need this. Kelly will help you set your daily, weekly and monthly goals and then hold you accountable for the action steps you need to take in order to reach them. 


Have you reached a place in your life where you question whether you're on the correct life path, or have no idea WHAT your life path should be? This is an amazing coaching opportunity to find out. Using a series of questions and assignments, conversation and assessment, Kelly will help you discover if you are utilizing your innate gifts and talents to impact the world in the most effective way possible. This coaching experience can, very literally, change the direction of your entire life path in a span of just two months. 


If you want to improve your health and well-being, Kelly will work with you to create a specific plan of action and/or nutrition plan. You will be held accountable to report to Kelly each week so that, together, you can review your progress, victories and challenges.