Kelly Muir has lived a life she describes as a wild, complicated, intriguing—and ultimately—beautiful mess.


She was born into a life of luxury that abruptly ended when she was five years old. Her mother struggled with depression and her father with addictions that saw the family moving every six months or so. By the time she was 17, she had dropped out of high school and was living on her own. But she had one thing going for her; she was an exceptional athlete and student of karate with an iron will to succeed, and her refusal to give up led her to train at the United States Olympic Center on a full Olympic Committee Scholarship. 

In the years that followed, Kelly experienced more extreme highs and lows, including single motherhood, film work, magazine covers, travel, homelessness, welfare dependency, and loss of sight in one eye. But through it all, she used the skills she had honed on the mat as well as the tactics of ancient warriors to help her build a successful and enduring business; raise her children in an environment of honesty, reality and hard work; and completely flip the script of her life. 

Today, Kelly shares her hard-earned wisdom with other women as they navigate through life changes and challenges. She helps them find the patience, resilience and forgiveness necessary to take charge of their lives and confidently move in the direction of their dreams...even if they don't yet know what those dreams are. 

(Above Photo Credits, Left To Right: Kimberly Potterf Photography (pics 1,3&6), Kimmarie Martin Photography (pic 4). All Black and White Web Photos Chris Keels Photography)

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Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame Inductee, 2012

US Olympic Committee Sponsored Athlete, Permanent Resident, 1989

Author, Instructor Revolution Published 2011


Woman of the Year
Black Belt Magazine, 2012

7th Degree Black Belt
Matsubayashi Shorin-Ryu

3rd Degree Black Belt
Tae Kwon Do