I Hope You Quit.

It’s the  second Friday of the New Year. Most don’t realize that today has its own name. Its own reference. Its own identity. It’s not a Holiday. You would know that. Regardless, it is a very specific day on the calendar. The day when goals spiral out to their death. When dreams get thrown back into the box of good intentions;  shoved far back into the closet until next December when they, again, might be brought out and trotted around as the next sure thing that will catapult your life to new heights.

Today is National Quitters Day.

It’s the day when the majority of folks who set New Years Resolutions simply give up. They quit. They decide, probably as they have many times before, that they can’t achieve something that they want. Something they crave. Something they need.

What was it for you this year?

  • Being more forgiving of others?

  • Reading more?

  • Getting up earlier?

  • Starting that business that you have always talked about?

  • Exercising?

  • Eating healthier food?

  • Learning a new language?

These are the most common resolutions. And, the first to get thrown in the trash. Disgarded.

Does this sound like you? Have you already admonished yourself for failing, again?

You aren’t alone. 80% of those who begin New Years resolutions fail within 14 days. 14 days. So many give up on their pursuit, in fact, that statistic geeks love to track the time it takes for someone to decide that they aren’t capable. Or, worthy. Or, smart. Or, disciplined. Or, whatever.

What it really is, though… is a shame. Not shameful. Just, a shame. It doesn’t have to be that way. Modern New Years Resolutions, after all, are a made up thing. The practice of setting an intention started long ago. VERY long ago. Like, Babylonian times long ago. It wasn’t to improve themselves, either. It was to find favor with God. A way to stave off bad fortune or disaster. In the celebration of spring, farmers would make promises to the Gods in hope of having a good year. They would often promise to return farm tools that had been borrowed. Or, square up debts. In general, they believed their promise would bring them spiritual favor during harvest.

And, yet, now, it’s the annual event of modern day self punishment. The season of soul crushing failure. Of beating ourselves up for not achieving some random activity. It is the death of the goal harvest.

It’s also complete bullshit. There is nothing magical that happens between Dec 31 and Jan 1. New Years day is, literally, just another day. It’s nothing special. It never was.

Success is a day to day re-commitment. 365 times a year. It’s you, telling you, that every time you open your eyes in the morning, you are worthy. You are smart. You add value. And, you can accomplish whatever the fuck you want to.

I do hope that you quit today. Quit New Years resolutions forever. Quit setting yourself up for failure every December. I hope you celebrate the fact that you walked away from the nonsensical and imaginary concept of a New Years Resolution. Let’s start from scratch - without the pressure of “getting it right this time”. Let’s move you forward. For real.

On my social media, I am gong to be covering 30 “Lies that We Tell Ourselves”. These lies keep us from achieving our goals. These are the real culprits, the concepts that we need to pay attention to. Not some random day in the year. I am going to break each lie apart one at a time, and expose them all for what they are. Untruths. Imaginary roadblocks. Ugly distortions of the facts. Poor excuses that are often in bed with the idea of a New Years Resolution, like an illicit love affair that is guaranteed to destroy all involved.

So, Forget New Year, New You. Quit the pursuit of resolutions. Just, be you. The today you. And, let me help you to become the best version of THAT individual.